Class 2A Sectional Roundup

By Curt Herron
For the IWCOA
Class 2A Sycamore Sectional roundup
Joliet Catholic Academy qualified eight individuals for the IHSA finals in Champaign and had three champions while Aurora Christian advanced seven individuals to state and had also three title winners at the Class 2A Sycamore Sectional.
Sectional champions were Joliet Catholic Academy juniors Gylon Sims (29-4 at 113) and Mason Alessio (31-4 at 145) and sophomore Dillan Johnson (30-0 at 285), Aurora Christian freshman Deven Casey (28-6 at 106) and seniors Braden Stauffenberg (36-4 at 152) and Nate Wemstrom (33-5 at 195) and Lemont seniors Alex Tagler (32-3 at 170), Moe Khalil (32-4 at 182) and Tyler Wilms (29-3 at 220). Washington champions were freshman Peyton Cox (38-2 at 120) and junior Kannon Webster (44-1 at 132) while the other sectional champions were Freeport senior Markel Baker (23-0 at 126), Rock Island senior Aoci Bernard (46-3 at 138) and Geneseo senior Anthony Montez (43-2 at 160).
Baker qualified for state for the fourth time and was an IWCOA title winner and an IHSA runner-up in 2020, Sims is a three-time qualifier who also was a 2021 IWCOA champion and a IHSA runner-up in 2020, Webster was an IHSA champion in 2020 and Johnson was an IWCOA title winner. Montez is a four-time state qualifier and placed fourth at the IWCOA while Bernard is state-bound for the third time and was sixth at the IWCOA.
Taking second were Washington junior Blake Hinrichsen (33-12 at 160) and seniors Donnie Hidden (22-1 at 195) and Tyler Casey (34-4 at 220), Joliet Catholic Academy seniors Logan Kuhel-Trimmer (21-8 at 132) and Owen O’Connor (23-10 at 138), Aurora Christian senior Joe Fernau (23-6 at 126) and junior Taythan Silva (28-8 at 145), Kaneland senior Cameron Phillips (37-5 at 106), Geneseo freshman Zachary Montez (36-4 at 113),Galesburg sophomore Gauge Shipp (38-4 at 120), Sycamore senior Brayden Peet (40-2 at 152), Burlington Central senior Nathan Kim (41-10 at 170), Rock Island junior Steven Marquez (31-6 at 182) and Rockford East sophomore Lee Smith (22-2 at 285).
Claiming third place were Joliet Catholic seniors Shay Korhorn (15-7 at 120), Caden Moore (17-5 at 182) and Owen Gerdes (26-10 at 195), Rochelle freshman Xavier Villalobos (42-5 at 113) and senior Caleb Nadig (32-4 at 145), Freeport junior Jacob Redington (15-3 at 132) and senior Tarrone Jackson (24-4 at 152), Lemont senior Evan Schiffman (33-7 at 138) and junior Mike Jabaay (23-8 at 160), Rock Island sophomore Truth Vesey (37-6 at 106), Rockford East freshman Donald Cannon (25-5 at 126), Sycamore junior Zack Crawford (36-4 at 170), Galesburg senior Jeremiah Morris (38-4 at 220) and Aurora Christian junior Braden Hunter (8-2 at 285).
Also finishing fourth were Sterling senior Drew Kested (32-7 at 145) and junior Thomas Tate (26-7 at 160), Sycamore senior Jackson Funderburg (31-12 at 220) and junior Lincoln Cooley (38-5 at 285), Geneseo freshman Tim Sebastian (23-13 at 106), Rock Island junior Samuel Niyonkuru (37-12 at 113), Morton senior Connor Kidd (33-4 at 120),
Galesburg sophomore Rocky Almendarez (34-6 at 126), Aurora Christian freshman Josh Vazquez (21-8 at 132), Rochelle freshman Grant Gensler (32-18 at 138), Dunlap sophomore Nick Mueller (33-4 at 152), Washington sophomore Zane Hulet (22-16 at 170), Ottawa junior Charles Medrow (16-8 at 182) and LaSalle-Peru junior Connor Lorden (22-3 at 195).
Deerfield Class 2A Sectional roundup
Deerfield led the way at its own IHSA Class 2A Deerfield sectional with seven individual state qualifiers while Antioch advanced six to state and both Crystal Lake Central and St. Patrick will be sending five competitors to the competition in Champaign.
Winning sectional titles were Crystal Lake South seniors Josh Glover (26-0 at 113) and Shane Moran (32-4 at 182) and sophomore Andy Burburijia (31-8 at 285), Deerfield seniors Kai Neumark (35-1 at 138) and Benjamin Shvartsman (42-0 at 160), St. Patrick seniors Sean Conway (47-1 at 132) and Alex Goworowski (44-4 at 220), Grayslake Central sophomore Anthony Alanis (45-4 at 106) and junior Aaron Cramer (44-1 at 170), Montini Catholic sophomores Jayden Colon (21-4 at 145) and David Mayora (14-3 at 152), Antioch sophomore Edgar Albino (37-1 at 120), Prairie Ridge freshman Mikey Meade (30-10 at 126) and Cary-Grove senior Wade Abrams (22-1 at 195). Conway will be making his fourth state appearance while Glover, Shvartsman, Moran and Goworowski will all be returning to state for the third time.
Claiming second-place finishes were Deerfield junior Renzo Morgan (30-10 at 132), senior Lucio Morgan (38-4 at 145) and junior Aaron Cohen (40-3 at 170), Antioch freshman Gavin Hanrahan (34-7 at 106) and junior Caleb Nobiling (34-6 at 138), Crystal Lake Central senior Connor Lezama (33-13 at 152) and junior Jon Barrick (22-13 at 195) and Prairie Ridge junior Tyler Evans (33-4 at 120) and senior Eddie Ferree (29-11 at 160). Also finishing in second place were St. Patrick sophomore Olin Walker (35-14 at 113), Wheeling sophomore Patrick Tinsley (21-7 at 126), Lake Forest senior Charlie Heydorn (24-6 at 182), Notre Dame senior Aodan O’Sullivan (35-7 at 220) and Fenwick senior Jimmy Liston (32-4 at 285). Renzo Morgan, Nobiling and Lucio Morgan are all headed to state for the third time.
Closest title matches were Albino over Evans 8-5 at 120, Meade winning 3-2 over Tinsley at 126, Neumark beating Nobiling 6-2 at 138, Cramer over Cohen 7-5 at 170, Goworowski edging O’Sullivan 1-0 at 220 and Burburijia over Liston 7-4 at 285. Conway and Colon both had seven-point wins by decision, Mayora, Shvartsman and Moran won major decisions while Alanis, Glover and Abrams all recorded falls.
Finishing in third place were Deerfield sophomore Luke Reddy (34-8 at 113) and senior Stamos Tsakiris (37-5 at 152), Woodstock seniors Caleb Sciame (15-3 at 120) and Gavin Loiselle (20-1 at 220), Antioch junior Anthony Streib (35-9 at 132) and freshman Ben Vazquez (34-6 at 145), Vernon Hills seniors Gary Gurevich (21-6 at 138) and Jake Psaras (32-9 at 195), Crystal Lake Central senior Dillon Carlson (40-5 at 160) and junior Ben Butler (34-13 at 170), Wauconda sophomore Lucas Galdine (21-4 at 106), St. Patrick sophomore Niko Karamaniolas (27-13 a 126), Grayslake Central sophomore Matty Jens (44-2 at 182) and Notre Dame junior Karl Schmalz (32-4 at 285). Streib and Carlson will be making their third state appearances.
Capturing fourth-place finishes were Fenwick seniors Martin Paris (19-12 at 160) and Conor Paris (27-6 at 182), Crystal Lake Central freshman Payton Ramsey (23-10 at 106),
Grayslake Central sophomore Tyler Weidman (34-15 at 113), Wheeling senior Jatuthep Rattanahattakul (23-11 at 120), Cary-Grove senior Rannin Gruen (14-5 at 126), Lake Forest sophomore Seth Digby (21-7 at 132), Mundelein senior Ethan Onan (28-15 at 138), Grayslake North senior Connor Kozanecki (33-10 at 145), Antioch senior Evan Vazquez (28-6 at 152), St. Patrick junior Gio Hernandez (38-13 at 170), Woodstock senior Sean Ryan (11-8 at 195), Wauconda senior Matthew Merevick (31-8 at 220) and
Lakes senior John Sullivan (22-5 at 285).
Class 2A Mahomet-Seymour Sectional roundup
Civic Memorial had seven individual qualifiers and three champions while Mattoon advanced six individuals and also had three title winners at the IHSA Class 2A Mahomet-Seymour Sectional in Mahomet.
Sectional champions were Civic Memorial sophomore Bryce Griffin (38-5 at 138), junior Abe Wojcikiewicz (37-0 at 170) and senior Colton Carlisle (39-2 at 182), Mattoon senior Brady Foster (34-1 at 113) and Kiefer Duncan (39-2 at 145) and sophomore Korbin Bateman (33-4 at 126), Glenwood sophomore Andrew Davis (13-0 at 103) and junior Alex Hamrick (47-2 at 285), Triad sophomore Colby Crouch (31-0 at 120), Mascoutah junior Santino Robinson (41-1 at 132), Marion senior Nate Dampier (37-1 at 152), Highland senior Ben Mitchell (35-8 at 160), Mahomet-Seymour junior Mateo Casillas (49-1 at 195) and Waterloo senior Jordan Sommers (40-0 at 220).
Four title winners are unbeaten, Waterloo’s Jordan Sommers (40-0), Civic Memorial’s Abe Wojcikiewicz (37-0), Triad’s Colby Crouch (31-0) and Glenwood’s Andrew Davis (13-0) while four have one loss, Mahomet-Seymour’s Mateo Casillas (49-1), Mascoutah’s Santino Robinson (41-1), Marion’s Nate Dampier (37-1) and Mattoon’s Brady Foster (34-1).
Duncan is a four-time qualifier who took sixth at the IWCOA while three-time qualifiers are Wojcikiewicz, who won an IWCOA title, Foster, who took second in the IWCOA and Robinson, who won a title and took second in Missouri. Other champions who placed in the IWCOA finals are Carlisle (second), Casillas (second), Griffin (third), Hamrick (third) and Davis (fourth) while Sommers took fifth in the IHSA finals in 2020.
Finishing in second place were Bloomington seniors Carson Nishida (32-6 at 120), Anthony Curry (31-8 at 195) and Jack Weltha (31-3 at 220), Mahomet-Seymour juniors Caden Hatton (42-5 at 106) and Brennan Houser (39-7 at 170), Triad seniors Chase Hall (37-7 at 138) and Jordan Clines (36-12 at 182), Normal West senior Matt Bicknell (20-7 at 113),
Champaign Central freshman Ronald Baker (31-11 at 126), Civic Memorial senior Joey Biciocchi (37-8 at 132), Glenwood junior Aden Byal (41-7 at 145), Carbondale junior Brenden Banz (31-10 at 152), Lanphier junior Connor Janssen (30-5 at 160) and Southeast junior Robert Hull (14-5 at 285). Hall is a three-time qualifier who placed fifth in the IWCOA and IHSA in 2019, Nishida was third in 2020 and Houser placed fifth in the IWCOA.
In title matches that were decisions, Davis won 7-1 over Hatton at 106, Crouch beat Nishida 5-0 at 120, Bateman won 10-4 over Baker at 126, Griffin defeated Hall 7-1 at 138, Duncan won 3-0 over Byal at 145, Wojcikiewicz edged Houser 7-5 at 170 and Sommers won 8-5 over Weltha at 220. Winning major decisions were Foster at 113, Robinson at 132 and Carlisle at 182 while recording falls were Dampier at 152, Mitchell at 160 and Hamrick at 285 while Casillas won by injury default in his title match.
Taking third place were Civic Memorial freshman Bradley Ruckman (39-6 at 106) and junior Logan Cooper (32-7 at 285), Normal West juniors Froylan Racey (34-4 at 120) and Austin Johnston (33-6 at 126), Urbana sophomore Cordaro Sims (25-4 at 113), Glenwood sophomore John Ben Maduena (33-17 at 132), Mahomet-Seymour sophomore Tallen Pawlak (33-12 at 138), Bloomington senior Jacob Barger (33-8 at 145), East St. Louis senior Cody Powell (22-10 at 152), Carbondale junior Isaiah Duckworth (31-10 at 160), Waterloo senior Brandon Lloyd (34-6 at 170), Mt. Vernon senior Jared Shafer (35-3 at 182), Mattoon senior Aidan Spurgeon (25-3 at 195) and Centennial sophomore Jack Barnhart (36-3 at 220). Lloyd is a three-time qualifier and Racey placed second in the IWCOA.
Finishing fourth were Centennial sophomores Trevor Schoonover (24-10 at 126) and Kodiac Pruitt (29-13 at 160), Carbondale sophomore Isaac Smith (7-3 at 132) and junior Aiden Taylor (40-8 at 195), Jacksonville juniors Collin Reif (32-6 at 138) and Luca Thies (32-11 at 182), Mattoon sophomore Aidan Blackburn (33-11 at 152) and junior Leo Meyer (33-9 at 220), MacArthur freshman Logan Roberts (22-2 at 106), Rochester senior Adam Gribbins (24-11 at 113), Mahomet-Seymour freshman Camden Heinold (27-16 at 120),
Civic Memorial senior Ben Skaggs (21-7 at 145), Mascoutah senior Logan Will (22-5 at 170) and Marion junior Kanye Gunn (25-5 at 285). And Reif placed sixth in the IWCOA.