IWCOA 2A Super Regional recap

By Curt Herron
Here’s a breakdown of this past weekend’s IWCOA’s Open Class 2A Super Regional individual and team champions. A story about the Antioch Super Regional is posted on the IWCOA’s website:
The top six finishers from the 2A super regionals advance to Saturday’s four sectional sites, Geneseo, Mahomet-Seymour, Colosseum RTC and Pure Elite Fitness.
Individuals who took part in the Lincoln and Mt. Vernon Super Regionals will compete in the Mahomet-Seymour Sectional while competitors from the Peoria Central and Rock Island Super Regionals will take part in the Geneseo Sectional.
Competitors who advanced from the Antioch and Pure Elite Super Regionals will be at the Pure Elite Fitness Sectional in Arlington Heights and those who took part in the Colosseum RTC Super Regionals in Orland Park will again be at that site for their sectional.
Class 2A Lincoln Super Regional (qualifiers to Mahomet-Seymour Sectional)
Mahomet-Seymour had three champions and nine finalists to win the championship at Sunday’s Class 2A Lincoln Super Regional by a 216-171 margin over runner-up Glenwood, who had four champions.
Winning titles for the champion Bulldogs were Logan Hillard (138), Brennan Houser (182) and Mateo Casillas (195) while Glenwood’s title winners were Andrew Davis (106), Thomas Vansacik (126), Conner Miller (220) and Alex Hamrick (285).
The other champions at the super regional were Jacksonville’s Collin Reif (132) and Tim Welsh (152), Normal West’s Froylan Racey (113) and Noah Passoni (160), Morton’s Connor Kidd (120), Lincoln’s Austin O’Donoghue (145) and Lanphier’s Gabe Orosco (170).
Class 2A Mt. Vernon Super Regional (qualifiers to Mahomet-Seymour Sectional)
Civic Memorial had six champions and two second-place finishers to help it claim a 245-168 advantage over runner-up Triad at Sunday’s Class 2A Mt. Vernon Super Regional.
The champion Eagles got title wins from Bryce Griffin (126), Caleb Tyus (138), Caine Tyus (145), Vinny Zerban (152), Abe Wojoikiewicz (160) and Colton Carlisle (182) while Triad’s Chance Seip (120) and Everett Walsh (285) claimed first-place finishes.
Other champions in the super regional were Carbondale’s Luke Daly (170) and Aiden Taylor (195), Mattoon’s Brady Foster (106), MacArthur’s Cameron Lee (113), Cahokia’s Edwin Johnson (132) and Mascoutah’s David Polaski (220).
Class 2A Peoria Central Super Regional (qualifier to Geneseo Sectional)
Joliet Catholic Academy had seven champions and scored 211 points to win Sunday’s Class 2A Peoria Central Super Regional while Washington outscored Ottawa 197.5-189 for second place.
Winning titles for the Hilltoppers were Gylon Sims (106), Shay Korhorn (113), Logan Kuhel-Trim (126), Owen O’Connor (132), Connor Cumbee (145), Owen Gerdes (220) and Dillon Johnson (285) while the runner-up Panthers got championships from Jake Sollberger (170) and Donnie Hidden (195).
The other champions were Ottawa’s Tristan Simmons (120), Marek Duffy (160) and Charles Medrow (182), Dunlap’s Nick Mueller (138) and Morris’ Bryce Claypool (152).
Class 2A Rock Island Super Regional (qualifiers to Geneseo Sectional)
Rock Island had two champions and six finalists to score 238 points and win Sunday’s Class 2A Rock Island Super Regional while Geneseo finished second with 197.5 points.
Winning titles for the host Rocks were Daniel McGhee (106) and Manny Limon (126) while the runner-up Maple Leafs received title wins from Logan Tuggle (132), Clay DeBaillie (170) and Harrison Neumann (182).
Other champions were Galesburg’s Gauge Shipp (113), Freeport’s Markel Baker (120), Rochelle’s Caleb Nadig (138), Sycamore’s Brayden Peet (145), Sterling’s Andrew Kested (152), Boylan Catholic’s Dathan Wickson (160), LaSalle-Peru’s Connor Lorden (195), Kaneland’s Miles Ripper (220) and Aurora Christian’s Braden Hunter (285).
Class 2A Colosseum RTC Super Regional (qualifiers to Colosseum RTC Sectional)
Riverside-Brookfield had six champions and scored 214 points to win Sunday’s RTC Colosseum Super Regional in Orland Park while Kenwood took second with 108 points.
Winning titles for the Bulldogs were Quintavius Murrell (113), Quintin Godlewski (120), Mateo Costello (126), Brock Hoyd (170), Liam Cote (182) and Jordan Medrano (195).
Other champions in the super regional were Kenwood’s Joshua Butler (152) and Christopher Guider (160), Kennedy’s Phillip Lullo (138) and Raymond Begay (285),St. Ignatius’ Dylan Kabance (132), Noble/Comer’s Donovan Hall (145) and Glenbard South’s Connor DelAlcazar (220).
Class 2A Colosseum RTC Super Regional 2 (qualifiers to Colosseum RTC Sectional)
Lemont scored 255 points to win Monday’s Class 2A RTC Colosseum Super Regional in Orland Park while St. Laurence beat Oak Forest 108.5-104.5 for second place.
Claiming titles for the Indians were Carter Mikolajcak (106), Tyler Bentley (113), Mo Khalil (182), Stas Antalak (195), Devin Gonzalez (220) and Alex Pasquale (285).
Other super regional champions were Oak Forest’s Tyler Evitts (120), Caden Muselman (126) and Ivan Corral (132), St. Laurence’s Mike Rodriguez (138), Henry Coughlin (145) and Johnathan Olivo (152) and Brother Rice’s Emmett Connelly (160) and Tom Bennett (170).
Class 2A Pure Elite Fitness Super Regional (qualifiers to Pure Elite Fitness Sectional)
Deerfield scored 257 points to win Sunday’s Class 2A Pure Elite Fitness Super Regional in Arlington Heights while Notre Dame edged Fenton 213-206 for second place.
Winning titles for the champion Warriors were Lucas Wittkamp (120), Rory Perlow (132), Lucio Morgan (138), Stamos Tsakiris (145), Benjamin Shvartsman (152) and Braeden Wittkamp (170) while the runner-up Dons got titles from Joey Calder (182), Sean Swinkle (195) and Aodan O’Sullivan (220).
Other super regional title winners were St. Patrick’s Olin Walker (106) and Sean Conway (126), Saint Viator’s Braeden Towle (113) and Gaetano Console (160) and Fenton’s Quinn Wilcoxen (285).